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Economy to grow 6.5% this year driven by exports, says Ibec

Employers’ group Ibec has forecast that the economy in Ireland will grow 6.5% this year driven in the main by ...
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House prices rising at much faster rate outside Dublin

Asking prices for houses nationally jumped 13% in the second quarter of the year compared to the same period last ...
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NPHET to meet over advice on July reopening

The National Public Health Emergency Team is to meet on Monday to consider its advice to Government on whether or ...
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Restauranteurs seek meeting with Govt on reopening plan

The Chief Executive of the Restaurants Association of Ireland has said that he has called for an urgent meeting with ...
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26% planning a holiday abroad for September, survey reveals

Over a quarter of Irish people are planning a holiday abroad for September, while 22% are planning an overseas trip ...
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Over 200,000 housing units need to be built over next 3 years – Davy

Over 200,000 housing units will need to be built in Ireland over the next three years, according to a new ...
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ESRI predicting over 11% growth in economy this year

The Economic and Social Research Institute is forecasting double-digit growth in the economy this year. In its latest Quarterly Survey, ...
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The risks of climate change to the economy

The Central Bank’s Financial Stability Review (FSR) is, as the title suggests, one of its big tome publications published twice ...
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PAC calls for independent investigation into ‘bogus self-employment’

The Dáil’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has called on Revenue to commission an independent investigation into the self-employment status of ...
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