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Euro zone business growth at 15-year high as demand unleashed – PMI

Euro zone business growth accelerated at its fastest pace in 15 years this month as the easing of more lockdown ...
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Trust in news media increased over past year, report finds

RTÉ is the most trusted news source for Irish consumers, according to the annual Reuters Digital News Report, with 78% ...
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Numbers claiming PUP at lowest level since last October

The number of people receiving the Pandemic Unemployment Payment has dropped below 250,000 for the first time this year, new ...
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Consumer confidence at a two year high – KBC

Consumer confidence is at a two year high, according to the latest KBC Bank Ireland consumer sentiment index. While the ...
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NTMA: Interest bill on national debt to fall below €3.5bn

The interest bill on the national debt will fall below €3.5 billion this year, despite an increase in the overall ...
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Four-day working week programme being launched

A new pilot programme for employers to test the effectiveness of a four-day working week for staff with no loss ...
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Irish Fiscal Advisory Council calls for spending explanations

The Chair of the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council has said that politicians need to explain how they would afford to ...
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Vast majority on PUP would be financially better off at work – ESRI

Younger people are more likely to suffer from financial hardship when Covid-19 State supports are ceased, according to new research ...
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Jobless: Will young people be scarred long-term?

With almost two thirds of those under the age of 25 who are not in education unemployed, the National Youth ...
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