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Oil hits seven year highs before easing, as Ukraine hints at concessions

Oil eased today from its highest in more than seven years as Ukraine hinted at possible concessions to Russia that ...
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Tánaiste leads trade mission to France

Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Leo Varadkar will today begin a trade mission to France. France is ...
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Construction activity growth speeds up on improved demand

Growth in the Irish construction sector accelerated at the start of the year as the impact of the Omicron wave ...
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Are our mortgages next in line for a price hike?

Ireland has once again risen to the top of the league table in Europe when it comes to the interest ...
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Govt defends cost of living measures amid calls for more supports

Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Michael McGrath has said the Government recognises the latest measures to address the rising ...
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77% of B&B owners confident of recovery this year

Over three-quarters of Irish B&B owners have expressed their confidence in how the industry will perform during 2022 as Covid ...
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Government is walking wobbly tightrope on cost-of-living

When Micheál Martin announced an earlier than expected easing of restrictions just three weeks ago, relief was in the air. ...
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Measures to tackle cost of living to be announced

The Government is set to announce measures to address the impact of the rising cost of living on households. The ...
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Irish mortgage rates highest in euro zone again

Ireland once again has the highest mortgage interest rates in the euro zone, new figures from the Central Bank show. ...
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