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Calls for more modular housing to address shortages

Modular housing units need to be constructed in higher volumes in order to address the housing shortage crisis, according to ...
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Euro zone PMI hits lowest in nearly three years, stirs recession worries

Euro zone business activity took a surprise turn for the worse this month as demand fell in a broad-based downturn ...
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New competency framework to drive higher standards in corporate governance

A new competency framework to drive higher standards in corporate governance is being launched today by the Institute of Directors. ...
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EU signs digital services agreement with Ireland

The European Commission has signed an administrative arrangement with the newly established media regulator, Coimisiún na Meán, to support new ...
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55% of office workers spend two to three days a week ‘on-site’

New research has found that 55% of office workers in companies in Dublin now spend two to three days on ...
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Average home rebuilding cost rose 12% over last year

The average cost of rebuilding a house rose by 12% over the last year, new research has found. That i’s ...
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Planned changes to rules around minimum corporation tax among measures contained in the Finance Bill

The Finance Bill, which puts the tax changes announced in last week’s Budget into legislation, has been published by the ...
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ECB starts ‘preparation’ for digital euro

The European Central Bank took a further step today towards launching a digital version of the euro that would let ...
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Values-led approach to food security required – DCU report

A report on Global Food Security will be presented to the UAE ambassador to Ireland by DCU’s Centre for Religion, ...
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