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Average Christmas spending set to fall 13% this year – CCPC

Consumers expect average expenditure this Christmas to be down 13% compared with last year, according to a survey conducted for ...
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New cars registered in November slows by 4%

The number of new cars registered in November fell 4% according to new data from the Society of the Irish ...
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Manufacturing conditions stabilise in November

Business conditions in the manufacturing sector stabilised in November, new figures show. The latest Purchasing Managers Index from AIB reveals ...
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33,450 homes may be built here in Ireland in 2024 – Euroconstruct

A new analysis has estimated that around 33,450 new homes could be completed here next year. The research also predicts ...
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Latest CSO figures confirm economy in recession

Figures today from the Central Statistics Office confirm that the economy is in recession. The economy, as measured by gross ...
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ECB picks ‘European culture’ and ‘rivers and birds’ as themes for new euro banknotes

The Governing Council of the European Central Bank said it has selected “European culture” and “Rivers and birds” as the ...
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Big increase in demand for construction workers in 2023

The resurgence of construction here meant professional roles in that sector recorded the biggest increase in demand this year, new ...
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New tenants are paying 18% more for rent than existing ones – RTB

New tenants are paying considerably more rent than renters with existing tenancies, new official data has shown for the first ...
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EU agreement on reducing industrial emissions

EU member countries and the European Parliament have said they have reached a preliminary agreement on curbing industrial emissions, including ...
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