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Irish exports jump 22% as pharmaceuticals rebound – CSO

Irish exports jumped 22% in January when compared to the same month of 2023, according to the Central Statistics Office. ...
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Cost of a fry-up rose by 3.1% in the past year – CSO

The cost of a fry-up has risen by 3.1% in the past year, according to the Central Statistics Office. That ...
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0.35% rate cut likely for tracker mortgage customers in September

The holders of tracker mortgages in Ireland look set to benefit from a 0.35% reduction in their interest rates in ...
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Pace of inflation continued to ease in February – CSO

The rate of inflation continued to ease last month, according to new data from the Central Statistics Office. Consumer prices ...
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Consumer queries to CCPC increase by 20% in 2023

Consumer queries to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission were up 20% last year, with faulty goods and services being ...
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Concern as credit funds increase borrowing from banks

Europe’s private credit funds are increasingly borrowing from banks to boost their performance, fuelling concerns about the wider risks posed ...
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What’s included in the new EU law on AI

The European Parliament has given the final nod to far-reaching rules on artificial intelligence that the EU hopes will both ...
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Mortgage rates rose in January to seventh highest in eurozone

The average interest rate on new mortgages in Ireland rose in January, according to new data from the Central Bank. ...
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Slight fall in household saving at the end of 2023 – CSO

New figures from the Central Statistics Office show that the rate of household saving fell slightly in the last three ...
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