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45,000 mortgage breaks granted by Irish banks

More than 45,000 mortgage payment breaks have been or are about to be given to borrowers suffering financial difficulty as ...
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IMF approves debt relief for 25 poor countries over Covid-19

The International Monetary Fund has announced immediate debt relief for 25 poor countries to help them free up funds to ...
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Covid-19 unemployment payments to cost Exchequer €5bn for three months

The Covid-19 unemployment payments will cost the Government just under €5bn for three months, according to an analysis by the ...
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Fed will continue to act ‘forcefully, proactively and aggressively’ – Powell

The Federal Reserve will continue to use all the tools at its disposal until the US economy begins to fully ...
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World faces ‘worst economic fallout since Great Depression’ – IMF

The global coronavirus pandemic is causing an economic crisis unlike any in the past century and will require a massive ...
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EU fails to reach deal on Covid-19 bailout plan

EU finance ministers have failed to agree on a bailout plan to help hard hit member states face the coronavirus ...
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Online shopping up another 19% over the last week

The number of new users and the volume of online shopping continued to increase over the last week as people ...
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Central Bank says ECB moves released €20bn for Irish banks

The Central Bank has said recent actions by the ECB will release upwards of €20bn for Irish banks to borrow and ...
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Dublin business activity drops to seven year low

Business output in Dublin stagnated in the first quarter of the year as business activity grind to a halt in ...
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