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Lockdown opens up opportunities for online Irish start-ups

While Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on the global economy with a long recovery to follow, certain sectors have ...
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BidX1 veteran Hoban’s Offr accepted as he raises €3m of fresh funding

Offr, a property tech startup co-founded by former Savills and Allsop / BidX1 auctioneer Robert Hoban, has raised €3m in ...
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State credit rating stable as Moody’s sees 2021 rebound

The dramatic rise in the Government deficit this year does not make it more likely that Ireland will default on ...
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Irish economy to contract by 8.5% in 2020, Moody’s warns

The Irish economy will contract by 8.5 per cent this year as a result of the economic shock triggered by ...
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Gas Networks Ireland reduces carbon footprint by 27pc

Gas Networks Ireland has reduced its carbon footprint by 27pc over the past ten years, according to the company’s 2019 ...
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Large number of firms risk collapse under second lockdown

Nearly two-thirds of businesses fear another lockdown, while one in five is trading at a loss, a CSO survey has ...
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Draghi says stimulus can aid recovery after Covid but warns on ‘bad’ debt

Former European Central Bank (ECB) president Mario Draghi has warned governments to use the massive stimulus they’ve deployed in the ...
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Euro area sheds almost half of jobs created since 2013

The coronavirus pandemic has wiped out nearly half of the 12 million euro-area jobs created in the seven years since ...
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Property prices rise again in June despite pandemic

Property prices rose marginally in the year to June despite the pandemic causing massive disruption to the housing market. Prices ...
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