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Number of PUP claimants down to just under 206,000

The number of people claiming the Pandemic Unemployment Payment has fallen to just under 206,000 – down almost 12,000 from over ...
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Economy has fared better than forecast during the pandemic but the impact on jobs has been worse – Central Bank

The Central Bank has said the economy has fared better than forecast during the pandemic but the impact on jobs has ...
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One third of exporters report lower sales due to Covid-19

A third of exporting firms have seen their sales fall so far this year, a new survey from Enterprise Ireland ...
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Businesses express concern over Level 5 recommendation

Business leaders have expressed surprise and concern at the recommendation from the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) to move the ...
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Employers call for wage subsidy scheme to be expanded

The employers’ group Ibec has called on the Government to expand the employment wage subsidy scheme to include companies threatened by ...
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Construction sector ‘must guarantee value for money’

The state should maintain investment in capital infrastructure programmes despite the economic difficulties caused by Covid-19, but the construction sector ...
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SMEs could record revenue shortfall of €11.7bn in 2020

Small and medium sized businesses here could record a combined total shortfall in revenue this year of between €10.3bn and ...
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Markets slip on Trump’s positive Covid-19 test

Europe’s stock markets have dived more than 1% in early trade after news that US President Donald Trump and his wife have ...
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Commercial landlords urged to show forebearance

The Government has urged commercial landlords to show forbearance to tenants who cannot meet their obligations under their leases because ...
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