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EU Council chief says UK has choice to make on Brexit

Britain has sovereign choices to make on Brexit and they will determine its future access to the EU’s internal market, ...
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EU pledges to intensify talks on Brexit and legal texts

Senior European Union officials have said the EU is ready to intensify talks towards a deal on future trade ties with ...
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Urgent need to focus on pension sustainability here – Mercer

Ireland is ranked in 14th place out of 39 countries in the 2020 Mercer Global Pensions Index despite the country’s ...
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Retailers disappointed at decision to close all non-essential retail

Retailers have reacted with deep disappointment to the Government’s decision to close all non-essential retail as part of the move ...
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Tánaiste says Govt may review PUP cut plans in January

The Tánaiste has indicated that the Government would review the plan to further reduce the Pandemic Unemployment Payment in January ...
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Sterling falls as EU leaders press for elusive Brexit trade deal

Sterling weakened today as traders worried about the obstacles keeping the European Union and Britain from reaching a Brexit trade ...
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Johnson to set out position on Brexit negotiations

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will today set out his position on the future of the Brexit negotiations. Last night, ...
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Budget measures could see 35,000 new homes a year – CIF

The supply of new homes here could reach the required 35,000 per annum within years, as a result of initiatives ...
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What essential retailers can remain open under Level 4?

As Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan move to Level 4 in the Living with Covid-19 framework, business owners, service providers and consumers will be ...
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