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Irish mortgage interest rates joint highest in euro zone

Ireland and Greece had the joint highest mortgage interest rates across the euro area in November, new figures from the ...
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76% of imports into Dublin Port clearing without delays

Revenue has said that 76% of goods being imported through Dublin Port from the UK are now being given green clearance, ...
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Ireland to receive €1bn from EU’s post-Brexit fund

Ireland is due to receive over €1 billion from the European Union’s Brexit fund, set up to help member states ...
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Some food and drink exports hit hard by Covid-19 pandemic

Some sectors of Ireland’s valuable food and drink industry were severely affected last year as a result the global Covid-19 ...
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Record €1.2 billion spent on groceries in December – Kantar

New figures show that the average shopper spent €134 more on groceries in December last year than they did in ...
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People unable to work due to childcare may be eligible for PUP

Workers unable to go to work due to a lack of childcare triggered by Covid-19 closures may be eligible to ...
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Banks to create payment app to rival Revolut and N26

Four of the five main Irish retail banks have notified the competitor regulator of plans for an app based payment ...
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Strong rise in housing activity drives construction sector growth in December

The construction industry finished 2020 in expansion mode on the back of strong levels of housebuilding, the latest Ulster Bank’s ...
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Consumer spending up 6% in December – Revolut

New figures from Revolut shows that total consumer spending in December 2020 rose by 6% from December 2019, with many ...
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