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Exchequer deficit climbed to €14bn by end of February

Exchequer returns for February show that the budgetary situation has now deteriorated by €1.7bn compared to the same period a ...
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Euro zone inflation holds steady before expected spike

Euro zone inflation held steady as expected last month, taking a break in what is likely to be a temporary ...
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Dublin benefits most from Brexit financial services relocations – EY

Dublin remains the most popular destination for UK financial services firms looking to relocate staff or operations as a result ...
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Bank of Ireland reassures on cash facilities and ATMs

Bank of Ireland has said that no location will be left without access to financial services or cash facilities after ...
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Ireland’s minimum wage is second-highest in the European Union

Ireland has the second-highest minimum wage across the EU, at €1,724 per month, according to Eurofound. Luxembourg has the highest, ...
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How ordinary savers can avoid the negative interest bullet

The notion that ordinary savers could be charged to leave their savings in a bank has alarmed many — yet ...
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Retailers affected by the pandemic negotiate rental discounts of up to 20pc

Retailers are negotiating rental discounts of up to 20pc in many cases, as they continue to be affected by Covid-19 ...
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Major reset of EU-UK relations being considered by EU

Senior EU figures are contemplating a major reset in relations with the UK that would coincide with the formal ratification ...
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Mortgage approvals fell 16% in January

The number of mortgages approved in January fell by 16% compared to the previous month, according to figures published by ...
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