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G7 to discuss Covid economic challenges and climate

The first in-person meeting of the G7 countries since the start of the pandemic takes place in London today. Minister ...
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Confidence among small business owners improving – SFA

Confidence among small business owners has notably improved, according to a new report from the Small Firms Association (SFA). The ...
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Euro zone business growth soared in May as restrictions eased – PMI

Euro zone business activity surged in May as the easing of some coronavirus related restrictions injected life into the bloc’s ...
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ESRI urges extra borrowing and a doubling of investment in housing

Ireland should borrow more to invest in housing and could borrow an additional €4bn to €7bn a year, according to ...
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ECB to keep policy loose this year despite high inflation risks

The European Central Bank will not change the total size of its asset purchase programme at its June 10 meeting ...
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Growth in services accelerates as restrictions are eased

Activity in the services sector expanded at the fastest pace in over five years in May, according to AIB. Its ...
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Hopes for tourism boost as hospitality sector reopens

Hotels, B&Bs, self-catering accommodation and hostels can reopen from today, as the gradual lifting of Covid-19 restrictions on the tourism ...
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Under-25s six times more likely to be in temporary work than older age groups

People aged under 25 are almost six times more likely to be in temporary work than their older counterparts, according ...
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Local Property Tax to apply to homes built since 2013

The Cabinet has agreed that owners of new homes built since 2013 will now have to pay Local Property Tax. ...
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