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Campaign under way to tackle hospitality labour shortage

Fáilte Ireland is launching a campaign aimed at attracting workers into the tourism and hospitality industry. The recruitment marketing and ...
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Services sector continues to grow, expansion rate slows

The Irish services sector continued to grow strongly in August, according to AIB’s Purchasing Managers’ Index. The monthly measure of ...
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Quarterly GDP up 6.3% in second quarter as Covid curbs ease

New figures from the Central Statistics Office show that the economy – as measured by Gross Domestic Product – grew ...
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Govt to launch multi-billion euro housing strategy

The Government will today launch its housing plan titled Housing for All, with the multi-billion euro strategy set to detail ...
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Higher debt and deficits increase risks to the economy – Governor

The Governor of the Central Bank has warned that higher debt and deficit projections out to the middle of the ...
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Jobless rate including Covid-19 payouts falls to 12.4% – CSO

The unemployment rate, when adjusted to include those on the Pandemic Unemployment Payment, stood at 12.4% in August. The latest ...
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Manufacturing loses momentum as bottlenecks constrain output

Irish factory activity lost some momentum in August with growth in output, new orders, exports and purchasing all lower than ...
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Broad welcome from business groups for reopening update

There’s been a general welcome for the measures announced by the Taoiseach about the next phase of reopening of the ...
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Calls for continued supports for hotels and restaurants

The Restaurants Association gave a cautious welcome to the Taoiseach’s announcement on the easing of Covid restrictions. Chief executive Adrian ...
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