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Business insurance costs up 15% despite reforms survey finds

The cost of insurance for businesses and voluntary groups continues to rise despite reductions in the value of certain personal ...
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1 in 4 expect to pay mortgage or rent in retirement

One in four householders believe they will still be paying off their mortgage or paying rent when they retire, according ...
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State pension hike and retirement age stasis threaten sustainability of pension system – report

The increase in the state pension in last week’s budget together with the decision not to raise the retirement age ...
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Concerns about productivity drop with hybrid working

One in four employers say they are concerned about a possible decline in productivity as they move to a hybrid ...
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EU ‘won’t let Ireland be singled out’ in NI Protocol row

Ireland’s EU Commissioner has said Europe will not allow Ireland to be singled out in the fallout if negotiations on ...
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Will inflation change the facts after Budget 2022?

In the run up to the Budget, the Government’s plans had been characterised as potentially “risky” and at the limit ...
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Personal injury awards down 40% due to new guidelines, report finds

The value of average awards for personal injuries made by the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (PIAB) has fallen by 40% ...
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Brexit Impact Loan Scheme opens for applications

The Brexit Impact Loan Scheme, which is designed to help SMEs, farmers and fishers respond to the impact of Brexit ...
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Budget to compensate most households for price growth – ESRI

The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) has said Budget 2022 will on average compensate most households for price growth ...
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