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The ABCs of the ECB

Economics is not all about numbers. In fact, in one of the most important areas of economics – central banks ...
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Covid Credit Guarantee Scheme extended until June

The Covid-19 Credit Guarantee Scheme for small and medium businesses has been extended the end of June, the Tánaiste and ...
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Residential property deals up almost 19% last year

The number of residential property transactions increased by almost 19% to 44,110 in the 12 months to October 2021, according ...
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Brexit boosts international banks’ Irish balance sheets to over €500bn

The Irish balance sheets of large systemically important banks with international operations run from Ireland have grown by as much ...
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Inflation in building costs to continue – survey

More than four out of every five builders across the country expect the prices they charge for projects will rise ...
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Firms supported by Local Enterprise Offices created 7,440 new jobs last year

Companies being supported by the country’s Local Enterprise Offices created 7,440 new jobs last year, a 9% increase on the ...
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Has the pandemic permanently changed our spending ways?

Covid-19 has undoubtedly changed many aspects of our lives, some of which we would hope to return to as soon ...
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SCSI expects property prices to rise by 5% in 2022

The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI) has said it expects the median price of a home in Ireland to ...
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‘Collapse’ in home ownership among young adults – report

Home ownership among adults of prime working age has “collapsed” since the financial crisis, according to a report from the ...
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