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More lenders likely to hike fixed rates in weeks ahead – Treasury specialist

More lenders are likely to follow the lead of ICS Mortgages in the coming weeks in raising fixed rate products, ...
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Euro zone to tighten fiscal policy in 2023, but ready to reverse amid Ukraine war

Euro zone finance ministers have agreed to tighten fiscal policy a little next year after three years of pumping billions ...
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60% of Irish SMEs not taking data protection steps – study

Six in 10 Irish SMEs take no particular steps to protect customer data online or do not know how to, ...
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Worries over paying bills growing – Bank of Ireland

A new report shows that people are becoming more concerned about their jobs, paying bills and other day to day ...
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Wage rises likely to add to construction cost pressures

Labour costs could be on course to rise in the construction industry as some firms in the sector report difficulties ...
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Banks ‘not yet where they need to be’ ahead of Ulster Bank and KBC’s exit

The Central Bank’s Director of Consumer Protection has said he thinks banks here “are not yet where they need to ...
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Once-off fuel allowance payment to be paid to recipients this week

A once-off fuel allowance payment of €125 will be paid to recipients this week. The measure was announced last month ...
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Fuel industry engaging in profiteering ‘simply not the case’

Fuels for Ireland, the industry body for fuel suppliers and retailers, has written to Taoiseach Mícheál Martin to express its ...
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Inflation hits highest level since 2001 in February, with more increases certain

The annual rate of inflation rose to 5.6% in February, according to the latest figures from the Central Statistics Office. ...
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