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Digital divide accelerated by Covid pandemic

Ireland’s older and poorer populations risk being left behind unless action is taken to address the nation’s digital divide, according ...
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Energy security crucial to investment and competitiveness – NCPC report

Ireland has among the highest rates of dependency on imported sources of energy in Europe, although dependency has declined in ...
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Euro zone business growth stronger than expected in March – PMI

Euro zone business activity has been stronger than expected this month, a survey showed today, although prices also rose at ...
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Inflation hit to households to average €2,000 this year – KBC

Consumer sentiment plummeted in March, according to KBC Bank Ireland, in what was the biggest month-on-month drop in confidence since ...
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ESRI says inflation could peak at 8.5% this summer

The Economic and Social Research Institute has lowered its forecasts for growth in the economy this year and increased its ...
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New housing commencements up 20% in February

Commencement notices for new residential homes last month hit their highest rolling 12-month total since the recording of the data ...
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Government announces new law for ‘mass harm’ of consumers

The Government has announced plans for a new law that will make it easier for consumers to group together and ...
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New online portal for disruptive technology companies

A new national online searchable database has been set up by IDA Ireland, in partnership with Enterprise Ireland, to profile ...
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Soaring price inflation set to continue

The ESRI is set to warn later this week that soaring price inflation could be with us for up to ...
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