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Revenue to continue issuing LPT reminder letters

Revenue has said it has seen significant engagement from the property owners it contacted in relation to their overdue Local ...
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Fiscal Council eyes ‘unusually’ high rate of inflation

Chair of the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council Sebastian Barnes has said inflation is likely to be at around 7% when ...
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Public finances show surplus of €200m in March

The public finances recorded a surplus at the end of March of €200m, according to the latest Exchequer figures published ...
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Unemployment rate rises to 5.5% in March as Covid-19 scheme closes

New Central Statistics Office figures show that the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for March rose to 5.5% from a rate ...
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Central Bank revises downwards economic forecast

The Central Bank has revised its forecasts for growth in the economy downwards, due to higher inflation and the impact ...
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Planned increase in Carbon Tax next month to be ‘offset’ – Martin

Next month’s planned increase in the Carbon Tax would be “offset” so there would not be additional costs for householders, ...
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One in five workers did not take any annual leave last year – CSO

More than one in five workers did not take any annual leave in 2021, according to a new study from ...
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Euro zone economy got March boost from reopening but prices soared – PMI

Euro zone business growth got a boost last month from the re-opening of economies following the Omicron coronavirus variant, according ...
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Record inflation in services sector as outlook darkens

The outlook for the services sector, as measured by AIB in its monthly Purchasing Managers’ Index, darkened considerably in March ...
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