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Euro zone inflation falls sharply in December but offers ECB little respite

Euro zone inflation fell by more than expected last month but underlying price pressures rose, making it likely the European ...
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Inflation hit a 38 year high in 2022 but economy strong – CSO

The Central Statistics Office has published an online compilation of significant statistics about the economy and business recorded last year. ...
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Euro zone producer prices fall as expected in November

Euro zone producer prices fell month-on-month as expected in November, the EU’s statistics office said today, pulled down by falling ...
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Flexible working hours good for business – UN

Flexible working arrangements like those introduced during the Covid-19 crisis are not only good for employees but also boost productivity ...
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Euro zone recession may not be as deep as expected – PMI

Euro zone business activity contracted less than initially thought at the end of last year as price pressures eased, according ...
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Exchequer collected record €83bn in tax last year

The Exchequer collected a record €83.1 billion in tax last year, according to figures published this evening by the Department ...
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Services sector growth picks back up in December

Expansion in the services sector picked up in December following four months of slowing growth in a row to push ...
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105,253 new cars registered in 2022, down 10% on 2019

105,253 new cars were registered last year, up marginally on 2021, but down 10% on the pre-Covid levels recorded in ...
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Croatia joins the Euro and enters Schengen area

Croatia has switched to the Euro and entered Europe’s passport-free zone – two major milestones for the country after joining ...
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