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New legal association launched for media, internet and data protection

The Bar of Ireland has launched the Media, Internet and Data Protection Bar Association (MIDBA).

It is a new Specialist Bar Association aimed at legal professionals who practice, or have an interest, in the areas of media, internet and data protection law.

The aim of MIDBA is to promote and advance knowledge in what are dynamic and fast-moving areas of the law, as well as to provide networking opportunities across the legal sector.

Claire Hogan BL is the newly elected chair of MIDBA.

“Given the seismic changes in the media landscape in recent years, and with many of the largest technology companies having their European headquarters located in Ireland, it is essential that the legal community are kept up to date on developments in these complex and fast-moving areas of law,” Ms. Hogan said.

“The Bar is ideally placed to take a leadership position in respect of litigation, advisory work, and in considering legislative developments,” she added.

Rossa Fanning SC, Attorney General of Ireland, spoke at the launch of MIDBA and said the association had identified an important and growing area of the law.

“MIDBA is poised to develop and showcase expertise in the Bar in what is undoubtedly a growth area,” Mr Fanning said.

The Bar of Ireland has 17 Specialist Bar Associations, and MIDBA joins a number of new associations in the field of taxation, insolvency, tort and insurance and financial services which were all recently developed.

Article Source: New legal association launched for media, internet and data protection
– Brian O’Donovan – RTE

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